It is time for another update on my Power BI Journey which you will soon see has taken a few turns. Before I go any further, I cannot go another minute without thanking a few special people who have supported me along the way. 1. My wife. I want to thank my wife for giving me extra time at night and on the weekends to learn, study, and prepare for the demonstrations that I would be delivering. She even lets me practice! Mollie definitely had no idea she would be unofficially enrolled in so many Power BI classes, haha. She is a great student who gives me fantastic feedback that I then use when trying to make my demonstrations better. 2. My incredible bosses . Brian and Devin Knight always provide support daily. They know how overwhelming it can be to take a deep dive into material that you have never worked with before. They have been there every step of the way to answer my questions no matter how trivial they may be. It is a stark contr...
Sharing my process of transitioning from an Algebra teacher to a BI trainer | if anyone else out there is apprehensive about new technology you are learning or if you are just feeling overwhelmed with whatever the task may be - you can stop by from time to time for some motivation and quick tips.