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Showing posts from August, 2021

Power BI: Artificial Intelligence Post #2 Q&A Visual

In my last blog post, I talked about how to start using Power BI's Artificial Intelligence capabilities in the Power Query Editor.  We looked at using the Add Column From Examples feature, which can be a huge time saver. In this blog, I want to showcase how to use the Q&A visual. You can utilize this visual as a report builder or empower your data consumers to ask their own questions about your data to gain further insights. The Q&A visual is always getting new updates with the monthly Power BI updates so this is by no means where Q&A will stop in Power BI. Check out the demonstration below

Power BI: Artificial Intelligence

 Power BI has a multitude of Artificial Intelligence capabilities.  I wanted to start a YouTube series highlighting some of these capabilities you can take advantage of starting today. In this first episode, I want to showcase how you can add columns in the Power Query Editor without once writing a single formula using the M language.  Might it be more braggadocious to execute these columns using formulas and showcasing them? Sure.  But my motto has always been "Work Smarter Not Harder." Check out this first video in my series on how you can use Artificial Intelligence in Power BI.