Many people have dates as part of their data sets. Dates are great to allow us to view our data aggregations in smaller buckets in order to get extra details about our situation. Sometimes though we are faced with having multiple date columns in one table. The more date columns the better, right? Well, this can usually lead to two outcomes. 1) Frustration that you can’t view the data based on your 2nd date column 2) Not realizing the data you are looking at is in fact NOT accurate. I will show you in the video both of these unwanted scenarios. More importantly, however, I will show you how you can use some fairly simple DAX and modeling relationship techniques to resolve the issue. Let me set up the scenario in this video for you. I’ve made a very basic Excel file that tracks sales by what state they occurred in, when the sale occurred, and when the sale shipped out. So if I want my team to see the number of actual sales that have occurred I would use the sale date column.
Sharing my process of transitioning from an Algebra teacher to a BI trainer | if anyone else out there is apprehensive about new technology you are learning or if you are just feeling overwhelmed with whatever the task may be - you can stop by from time to time for some motivation and quick tips.