Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A This was a series of commands, a holy "code" that I whispered to myself over and over again on the walk home from school until it was etched in my 6th-grade brain. Earlier that day was the first time "the code" was mentioned-- whispered about at the lunch table because my buddy Rick's older brother told him it was "technically a cheat code" and we could all go to jail or worse if we told people we knew. It was dangerous. It was alluring. And I was eleven walking home to beat Contra for the first time. Twenty-five plus years later and cheat-codes still seem a bit enticing.
Sharing my process of transitioning from an Algebra teacher to a BI trainer | if anyone else out there is apprehensive about new technology you are learning or if you are just feeling overwhelmed with whatever the task may be - you can stop by from time to time for some motivation and quick tips.