Have you used the personalize visuals feature yet in Power BI? If not, then you could be missing out. The Personalize Visuals feature allows anyone you are sharing your with after published to the Power BI service to make changes to your visuals. Have no fear though! When they change the visuals it will not override your original report. This feature is great if you have ever had to respond to a request from your shared users that they would like the report to be modified to their liking. With this simple feature, the end-user can change the visualization type, change what measures or fields that are brought into the visual, and then simply make a personal bookmark after they make the changes. Again, this will not change the initial report you published and that others have access to. This will only make a new view of the report for the user who personalized the visual. If you decide to use this feature...
Sharing my process of transitioning from an Algebra teacher to a BI trainer | if anyone else out there is apprehensive about new technology you are learning or if you are just feeling overwhelmed with whatever the task may be - you can stop by from time to time for some motivation and quick tips.